Adult Formation

Christian Formation provides an intentional way to deepen our understanding of our Christian identity. We cover topics that are salient in our engaging the world as followers of Christ. Formation hour includes discussion and presentations on scripture, church seasons, social justice issues, current events, popular culture, music, ethics, sin and redemption, stewardship, and more.

With this in mind, we have a clear and focused mission to make disciples who:

  • Are committed to understanding who Jesus is, and how we can follow his example;
  • Are increasing their understanding of scripture and how it applies to our daily lives and the choices we make;
  • Are engaged in building relationships with people inside and outside of our doors;
  • Respect the dignity of all people; and
  • Are learning together how to share the Gospel message by preparing our minds through formation, our heart through worship, and then engaging the world through the mission of the Church.

Sunday Morning Adult Forum

Adult Forum: Transforming Questions

Sunday mornings, 9am - in person and on Zoom

Rev. Kelly will be facilitating guided hybrid conversations around some of the essential and transformative questions of faith.

May 1: Why do bad things happen?

May 15: Where do we go when we die?

June 5: Why do I need church?

Wednesday Morning Bible and Book Study

There is a regular Bible and Book Study meeting on Wednesday mornings beginning at 10:30. The first 45 minutes are devoted to the scripture appointed for the following Sunday. The second half of the meeting is focused on other literature chosen by the participants.  New members are welcome any time. Please join us.

Social Justice Resources

Visit our Social Justice Resources page for videos, podcasts, and books recommended by the Episcopal Church.

Social Justice Resources